
Last updated: 2024-09-27 10:47:19.607035 File source: link on GitLab

Nunet Actor System CLI

The Nunet Actor System CLI provides a set of commands for interacting with the Nunet actor system, enabling you to send messages to actors, invoke behaviors, and broadcast messages across the network.

Basic Commands

  • nunet actor msg: Constructs a message for an actor.

  • nunet actor send: Sends a constructed message to an actor.

  • nunet actor invoke: Invokes a behavior in an actor and returns the result.

  • nunet actor broadcast: Broadcasts a message to a topic, potentially reaching multiple actors.

  • nunet actor cmd: Invokes a predefined public behavior on an actor.

nunet actor msg

This command is used to create a message that can be sent to an actor. It encapsulates the behavior to be invoked and the associated payload data.


nunet actor msg <behavior> <payload> [flags]


  • <behavior>: The specific behavior you want the actor to perform upon receiving the message

  • <payload>: The data accompanying the message, providing context or input for the behavior


  • -b, --broadcast string: Designates the topic for broadcasting the message.

  • -c, --context string: Specifies the capability context name

  • -d, --dest string: Identifies the destination handle for the message.

  • -e, --expiry time: Sets an expiration time for the message.

  • -h, --help: Displays help information for the msg command.

  • -i, --invoke: Marks the message as an invocation, requesting a response from the actor.

  • -t, --timeout duration: Sets a timeout for awaiting a response after invoking a behavior.

nunet actor send

This command delivers a previously constructed message to an actor.


nunet actor send <msg> [flags]


  • <msg>: The message, created using the nunet actor msg command, to be sent.


  • -h, --help: Displays help information for the send command.

nunet actor invoke

This command directly invokes a specific behavior on an actor and expects a response.


nunet actor invoke <msg> [flags]


  • <msg>: The message, crafted with nunet actor msg, containing the behavior and payload


  • -h, --help: Displays help information for the invoke command

nunet actor broadcast

This command disseminates a message to a designated topic, potentially reaching multiple actors who have subscribed to that topic.


nunet actor broadcast <msg> [flags]


  • <msg>: The message to be broadcasted


  • -h, --help: Displays help information for the broadcast command.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

nunet actor cmd

This command invokes a behavior on an actor.


nunet actor cmd [flags]
nunet actor cmd [command]

Available Commands

  • /broadcast/hello: Invoke /broadcast/hello behavior on an actor.

  • /dms/node/onboarding/offboard: Invoke /dms/node/onboarding/offboard behavior on an actor.

  • /dms/node/onboarding/onboard: Invoke /dms/node/onboarding/onboard behavior on an actor.

  • /dms/node/onboarding/resource: Invoke /dms/node/onboarding/resource behavior on an actor.

  • /dms/node/onboarding/status: Invoke /dms/node/onboarding/status behavior on an actor.

  • /dms/node/peers/connect: Invoke /dms/node/peers/connect behavior on an actor.

  • /dms/node/peers/dht: Invoke /dms/node/peers/dht behavior on an actor.

  • /dms/node/peers/list: Invoke /dms/node/peers/list behavior on an actor.

  • /dms/node/peers/ping: Invoke /dms/node/peers/ping behavior on an actor.

  • /dms/node/peers/score: Invoke /dms/node/peers/score behavior on an actor.

  • /dms/node/peers/self: Invoke /dms/node/peers/self behavior on an actor.

  • /dms/node/vm/list: Invoke /dms/node/vm/list behavior on an actor.

  • /dms/node/vm/start/custom: Invoke /dms/node/vm/start/custom behavior on an actor.

  • /dms/node/vm/stop: Invoke /dms/node/vm/stop behavior on an actor.

  • /public/hello: Invoke /public/hello behavior on an actor

  • /public/status: Invoke /public/status behavior on an actor


  • -c, --context string: Capability context name.

  • -d, --dest string: Destination DMS DID, peer ID or handle.

  • -e, --expiry time: Expiration time.

  • -h, --help: Help for the cmd command.

  • -t, --timeout duration: Timeout duration.

Broadcast Commands

  • /broadcast/hello

    • Description: Invokes the /broadcast/hello behavior on an actor. This sends a "hello" message to a broadcast topic for polite introduction.

    • Usage: nunet actor cmd /broadcast/hello [<param> ...] [flags]

    • Flags:

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /broadcast/hello command

DMS Node Commands

  • /dms/node/onboarding/offboard

    • Description: Invokes the /dms/node/onboarding/offboard behavior on an actor. This is used to offboard a node from the DMS (Device Management Service).

    • Usage: nunet actor cmd /dms/node/onboarding/offboard [<param> ...] [flags]

    • Flags:

      • -f, --force: Force the offboarding process overriding any safety checks and invalid states.

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /dms/node/onboarding/offboard command.

  • /dms/node/onboarding/onboard

    • Description: Invokes the /dms/node/onboarding/onboard behavior on an actor. This is used to onboard a node to the DMS, making its resources available for use.

    • Usage: nunet actor cmd /dms/node/onboarding/onboard [<param> ...] [flags]

    • Flags:

      • -a, --available: Set the node as unavailable for job deployment (default: false).

      • -z, --cpu int: Set number of CPU cores.

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /dms/node/onboarding/onboard command.

      • -l, --local-enable: Set server mode (enable for local) (default: true).

      • -m, --memory uint: Set the value for memory usage in GB.

      • -x, --ntx-price float: Set the price in NTX per minute for the onboarded compute resource.

      • -w, --wallet string: Set the wallet address.

  • /dms/node/onboarding/resource

    • Description: Invokes the /dms/node/onboarding/resource behavior on an actor. This retrieves or manages resource information related to the onboarding process.

    • Usage: nunet actor cmd /dms/node/onboarding/resource [<param> ...] [flags]

    • Flags:

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /dms/node/onboarding/resource command.

  • /dms/node/onboarding/status

    • Description: Invokes the /dms/node/onboarding/status behavior on an actor. This is used to check the onboarding status of a node.

    • Usage: nunet actor cmd /dms/node/onboarding/status [<param> ...] [flags]

    • Flags:

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /dms/node/onboarding/status command

  • /dms/node/peers/connect

    • Description: Invokes the /dms/node/peers/connect behavior on an actor. This initiates a connection to a specified peer.

    • Usage: nunet actor cmd /dms/node/peers/connect [<param> ...] [flags]

    • Flags:

      • -a, --address string: The peer address to connect to

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /dms/node/peers/connect command.

  • /dms/node/peers/dht

    • Description: Invokes the /dms/node/peers/dht behavior on an actor. This interacts with the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) used for peer discovery and content routing

    • Usage: nunet actor cmd /dms/node/peers/dht [<param> ...] [flags]

    • Flags:

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /dms/node/peers/dht command.

  • /dms/node/peers/list

    • Description: Invokes the /dms/node/peers/list behavior on an actor. This retrieves a list of connected peers

    • Usage: nunet actor cmd /dms/node/peers/list [<param> ...] [flags]

    • Flags:

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /dms/node/peers/list command.

  • /dms/node/peers/ping

    • Description: Invokes the /dms/node/peers/ping behavior on an actor. This sends a ping message to a specified host to check its reachability

    • Usage: nunet actor cmd /dms/node/peers/ping [<param> ...] [flags]

    • Flags:

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /dms/node/peers/ping command

      • -H, --host string: The host address to ping

  • /dms/node/peers/score

    • Description: Invokes the /dms/node/peers/score behavior on an actor. This retrieves a snapshot of the peer's gossipsub broadcast score.

    • Usage: nunet actor cmd /dms/node/peers/score [<param> ...] [flags]

    • Flags:

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /dms/node/peers/score command

  • /dms/node/peers/self

    • Description: Invokes the /dms/node/peers/self behavior on an actor. This retrieves information about the node itself, such as its ID or addresses

    • Usage: nunet actor cmd /dms/node/peers/self [<param> ...] [flags]

    • Flags:

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /dms/node/peers/self command.

  • /dms/node/vm/list

    • Description: Invokes the /dms/node/vm/list behavior on an actor. This retrieves a list of virtual machines (VMs) running on the node

    • Usage: nunet actor cmd /dms/node/vm/list [<param> ...] [flags]

    • Flags:

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /dms/node/vm/list command.

  • /dms/node/vm/start/custom

    • Description: Invokes the /dms/node/vm/start/custom behavior on an actor. This starts a new VM with custom configurations.

    • Usage: nunet actor cmd /dms/node/vm/start/custom [<param> ...] [flags]

    • Flags:

      • -a, --args string: Arguments to pass to the kernel

      • -z, --cpu float32: CPU cores to allocate (default 1)

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /dms/node/vm/start/custom command.

      • -i, --initrd string: Path to initial ram disk

      • -k, --kernel string: Path to kernel image file.

      • -m, --memory uint: Memory to allocate (default 1024)

      • -r, --rootfs string: Path to root fs image file

  • /dms/node/vm/stop

    • Description: Invokes the /dms/node/vm/stop behavior on an actor. This stops a running VM

    • Usage: nunet actor cmd /dms/node/vm/stop [<param> ...] [flags]

    • Flags:

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /dms/node/vm/stop command

      • -i, --id string: Execution id of the VM

Public Commands

  • /public/hello

    • Description: Invokes the /public/hello behavior on an actor. This broadcasts a "hello" for a polite introduction.

    • Usage: nunet actor cmd /public/hello [<param> ...] [flags]

    • Flags:

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /public/hello command

  • /public/status

    • Description: Invokes the /public/status behavior on an actor. This retrieves the status or health information of the actor or system

    • Flags:

      • -h, --help: Display help information for the /public/status command

Global Flags

These flags can be used with any of the above commands:

  • -c, --context string: Specifies the capability context name. This is used for authorization or access control.

  • -d, --dest string: Specifies the destination for the command. This can be a DMS DID (Decentralized Identifier), a peer ID, or a handle.

  • -e, --expiry time: Sets an expiration time for the message or command.

  • -t, --timeout duration: Sets a timeout duration for the command. If the command does not complete within the specified duration, it will time out.

  • -h, --help: Display help information for the commands

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