
Last updated: 2024-09-27 10:47:28.949140 File source: link on GitLab


Table of Contents


proposed Description

This package is responsible for creation of a Node object which is the main actor residing on the machine as long as DMS is running. The Node gets created when the DMS is onboarded.

The Node is responsible for:

  • Communicating with other actors (nodes and allocations) via messages. This will include sending bid requests, bids, invocations, job status etc

  • Checking used and free resource before creating allocations

  • Continuous monitoring of the machine

Structure and Organisation

Here is quick overview of the contents of this pacakge:

  • README: Current file which is aimed towards developers who wish to use and modify the DMS functionality.

Class Diagram

The class diagram for the node package is shown below.

Source file

node Class Diagram

Rendered from source file

!$rootUrlGitlab = ""
!$packageRelativePath = "/dms/node"
!$packageUrlGitlab = $rootUrlGitlab + $packageRelativePath
!include $packageUrlGitlab/specs/class_diagram.puml



Note: the functionality of DMS is being currently developed. See the proposed section for the suggested design of interfaces and methods.

Data Types


Note: the functionality of DMS is being currently developed. See the proposed section for the suggested data types.


proposed Refer to *_test.go files for unit tests of different functionalities.

Proposed Functionality / Requirements

List of issues

All issues that are related to the implementation of dms package can be found below. These include any proposals for modifications to the package or new functionality needed to cover the requirements of other packages.

Interfaces & Methods

proposed Node_interface

type Node_interface interface {
	// Extends Actor interface from types package;
	// which implements message passing logic

	// Somewhat similar to the libp2p.Host interface in the current implementation;
	// (however, network.libp2p package is too low level for this interface in the 
	// new architecture)

    // extends the Orchestrator interface from orchestrator sub-package

	// extends Vertex interface, so connecting Actor model with Graph computing model...

	// each node will hold a structure with allocations that will be running on it
	// allocation type is specified in jobs package

	// allocations will be short-lived objects (depending on the requirements of a job pertaining to that allocation)
	// but (ideally) all allocations that have ever been initiated on a node
	// need to be logged into the local database
	// routes message to the allocation of the job that is running on the machine
	// routeToAllocation()

	// below methods related to COMPUTE PROVIDER functionality (mostly)
	// All setters and getters are not included into global dms class diagram to make
	// it more compact

	// benchmark Capability of the machine on which the Node is running

	// save benchmarked Capability into persistent data store for further retrieval

	// get all registered capability of the node

	// set available Capability, given the registered Capability and the new allocation

	// return currently available capability of the node

    // reserve resources for a job
	lockCapability(, dms.Capability)

	// get all locked Capabilities

	// set preferences of a node in the form of Capability Comparator

	getPreferences() dms.orchestrator.CapabilityComparator

	// below methods are related to SERVICE PROVIDER functionality (mostly)
	getRegisteredBids(bidRequestID types.ID) []dms.orchestrator.Bid

	// start a new allocation


getAllocation method retrieves an Allocation on the machine based on the provided AllocationID.

checkAllocationStatus method will retrieve status of an Allocation.

routeToAllocation method will route a message to the Allocation of the job that is running on the machine.

benchmarkCapability method will perform machine benchmarking

setRegisteredCapability method will record the benchmarked Capability of the machine into a persistent data store for retrieval and usage (mostly in job orchestration functionality)

getRegisteredCapability method will retrieve the benchmarked Capability of the machine from the persistent data store.

setAvailableCapability method changes the available capability of the machine when resources are locked

getAvailableCapability method will return currently available capability of the node

lockCapability method will lock certain amount of resources for a job. This can happen during bid submission. But it must happen once job is accepted and before invocation.

getLockedCapabilities method retrieves the locked capabilities of the machine.

setPreferences method sets the preferences of a node as dms.orchestrator.CapabilityComparator

getPreferences method retrieves the node preferences as dms.orchestrator.CapabilityComparator

getRegisteredBids method retrieves list of bids receieved for a job.

startAllocation method will create an allocation based on the invocation received.

Data types

proposed dms.node.Node

An initial data model for Node is defined below.

type Node struct {
	// unique identifier
	id dms.node.nodeID

	// unique mailbox
	mailbox types.Mailbox
	// access to the local events database on the node
	db db.LocalDatabaseCollector // a type allowing to issue queries to our local database

	// registered capability will be a slow changing value
	// most probably it will not change for the whole lifecycle of a DMS
	// therefore it will be written into the persistent database
	// however it is good to have it in the cache, since it may be used often
	registeredCapability dms.Capability

	// available capability can be always calculated / recalculated
	// by: (1) taking the value of registered Capability (from persistent database)
	// (2) adding all capabilities of current Allocations of the node and locked capabilities
	// available capability will be (1) - (2)..
	// it can also extracted via database queries
	// lets consider that the current available capability will always be cached as a variable too
	// readily available for the Node interface
	availableCapability dms.Capability

	// part of the machine that is reserved for future jobs
	// it is the difference between registered capability and available capability
	// can be calculated readily, but it is good to have it cached too.
	// for orchestration purposes
	lockedCapabilities map[]dms.Capability

	// each node has its preferences encoded into CapabilityComparator type
	// which will be used directly in the functions which compare job requirements with availableCapabilities
	// note that Capabilities include price
	// these types and variables are introduced in order to create ability for each node
	// to autonomously 'choose' best options as per individually defined preferences
	// the initial implementation based on these types could be pretty trivial
	// but we want this to be extendable to unlimited complexity of behaviors
	preferences dms.orchestrator.CapabilityComparator

	allocations slice[] // list of all allocations running on the node

	// indices of activity
	// we may need to have more indexes
	// note, that all information in these indexes in principle
	// should be re-constructable from the local database 
	jobIndex // index of all accepted job posts

 	// index of all sent/received bid requests
	// (note that a Node can both receive and send bids depending on the mode)
	// (if to implement this in one or more data structure -- shall be decided by developers)
	bidRequestsSentIndex dms.orchestrator.BidRequestsSentIndex
    bidRequestsReceivedIndex dms.orchestrator.BidRequestsReceivedIndex

	// index of all received/sent bids
	// (note, that a dms can both receive and send bids, depending on which role
	// it takes in the orchestration -- compute provider or service provider;
    // both, however are available via the same dms package
	// and may even be combined -- possibly in the future)
	bidsSentIndex dms.orchestrator.BidsSentIndex
    bidsReceivedIndex dms.orchestrator.BidsReceivedIndex


proposed dms.node.NodeID

type NodeID struct {
	// ID is unique identifier created by DMS 
    ID types.ID.UUID
    // CID is a Content identifier that can be used in DHT or otherwise
    CID types.ID.CID

    // libp2p peerID
	PeerID string

	// DID is the decentralized identifier that can be used for authentication and authorization
	DID string 


Last updated