
Last updated: 2024-09-27 10:47:25.826298 File source: link on GitLab


Table of Contents



types package defines and keeps data structures and interfaces that are used across the whole DMS component by different packages.

Structure and Organisation

Here is quick overview of the contents of this pacakge:

  • README: Current file which is aimed towards developers who wish to use and modify the package functionality.

  • capability: This file contains data structures to describe machine capability.

  • comparison: This file contains constans and types used for capability comparison.

  • constants: This file contains constants that are used across different packages.

  • deployment: This file contains data structure related to job deployment.

  • elk_stats: This file contains data structure to be sent to elasticsearch collector.

  • encryption: This file contains data structure related to encryption in DMS.

  • execution: This file contains data structure related to executor functionality.

  • firecracker: This file contains data structure related to firecracker.

  • machine: This file contains data structure related to the machine - resources, peer details, services etc.

  • network: This file contains data structure related to networking functionality of DMS

  • network_config: This file defines message types, network types (libp2p, NATS) with configurations, and libp2p specific configurations (DHT, keys, peers, scheduling etc).

  • onboarding: This file contains data structure related to compute provider onboarding.

  • resource: This file contains data structures of GPU and execution resources.

  • spec_config: This file defines a SpecConfig struct for configuration data with type, parameters, normalization, validation, and type checking functionalities.

  • storage: This file contains data structures related to storage.

  • telemetry: This file defines structs related to telemetry configuration and methods to load configuration from environment variables.

  • types: This file defines a base model for entities in the application with auto-generated UUIDs, timestamps, and soft delete functionality using GORM hooks.

Class Diagram


types class diagram

Rendered from source file

!$rootUrlGitlab = "https://gitlab.com/nunet/device-management-service/-/raw/main"
!$packageRelativePath = "/types"
!$packageUrlGitlab = $rootUrlGitlab + $packageRelativePath
!include $packageUrlGitlab/specs/class_diagram.puml


types package holds interfaces and methods that are used by multiple packages. The functionality of these interfaces/methods are typically implemented in other packages.

Here are some methods defined in types package:


  • signature: NewExecutionResult(code int) *ExecutionResult

  • input: exit code

  • output: types.ExecutionResult

NewExecutionResult creates a new ExecutionResult object.


  • signature: NewFailedExecutionResult(err error) *ExecutionResult

  • input: error

  • output: types.ExecutionResult

NewFailedExecutionResult creates a new ExecutionResult object for a failed execution. It sets the error message from the provided error and sets the exit code to -1.

Config interface TBD

type Config interface {
	GetNetworkConfig() *SpecConfig

GetNetworkConfig will return the network configuration parameters.


  • signature: NewSpecConfig(t string) *SpecConfig

  • input: type for the configuration object

  • output: types.SpecConfig

NewSpecConfig creates new SpecConfig with the given type and an empty params map.


  • signature: (s *SpecConfig) WithParam(key string, value interface{}) *SpecConfig

  • input #1 : key

  • input #2 : value associated with the key

  • output: types.SpecConfig

WithParam adds a new key-value pair to the spec parameters and returns the updated SpecConfig object.


  • signature: (s *SpecConfig) Normalize()

  • input: None

  • output: None

Normalize ensures that the spec config is in a valid state by trimming whitespace from the Type field and initializing the Params map if empty.


  • signature: (s *SpecConfig) Validate() error

  • input: None

  • output: error

Validate checks if the spec config is valid. It returns an error if the SpecConfig is nil or if the Type field is missing (blank). Otherwise, it returns no error indicating a valid configuration.


  • signature: (s *SpecConfig) IsType(t string) bool

  • input: type

  • output: bool

IsType checks if the SpecConfig matches the provided type, ignoring case sensitivity. It returns true if there's a match, otherwise false.


  • signature: (s *SpecConfig) IsEmpty() bool

  • input: None

  • output: bool

IsEmpty checks if the SpecConfig is empty, meaning it's either nil or has an empty Type and no parameters. It returns true if empty, otherwise false.


  • signature: (m types.BaseDBModel) GetID() string

  • input: None

  • output: identifier of the entity

GetID returns the identifier of the entity.


  • signature: (m *Model) BeforeCreate(tx *gorm.DB) error

  • input: gorm database object to be created

  • output: bool

BeforeCreate sets the ID and CreatedAt fields before creating a new entity.


  • signature: (m *Model) BeforeUpdate(tx *gorm.DB) error

  • input: gorm database object to be updated

  • output: bool

BeforeUpdate returns true if the spec config is empty.


  • signature: LoadConfigFromEnv() (*TelemetryConfig, error)

  • input: none

  • output: types.TelemetryConfig

  • output (error): error message

LoadConfigFromEnv loads the telemetry configuration from environment variables. This includes observabilitty level and collector configuration. It returns the final configuration as types.TelemetryConfig object.


  • signature: parseObservabilityLevel(levelStr string) int

  • input: observability level

  • output: int value corresponding to the input observability level

parseObservabilityLevel returns the integer representation of the provided observability level string. When the input string does not match the defined observability levels, default observability level INFO is considered and its integer value is returned.

Data Types


  • types.DeploymentRequest

type DeploymentRequest struct {
	RequesterWalletAddress string    `json:"address_user"` // service provider wallet address
	MaxNtx                 int       `json:"max_ntx"`
	Blockchain             string    `json:"blockchain"`
	TxHash                 string    `json:"tx_hash"`
	ServiceType            string    `json:"service_type"`
	Timestamp              time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
	MetadataHash           string    `json:"metadata_hash"`
	WithdrawHash           string    `json:"withdraw_hash"`
	RefundHash             string    `json:"refund_hash"`
	Distribute_50Hash      string    `json:"distribute_50_hash"`
	Distribute_75Hash      string    `json:"distribute_75_hash"`
	Params                 struct {
		ImageID   string `json:"image_id"`
		ModelURL  string `json:"model_url"`
		ResumeJob struct {
			Resume       bool   `json:"resume"`
			ProgressFile string `json:"progress_file"` // file path
		} `json:"resume_job"`
		Packages        []string `json:"packages"`
		RemoteNodeID    string   `json:"node_id"`          // NodeID of compute provider (machine to deploy the job on)
		RemotePublicKey string   `json:"public_key"`       // Public key of compute provider
		LocalNodeID     string   `json:"local_node_id"`    // NodeID of service provider (machine triggering the job)
		LocalPublicKey  string   `json:"local_public_key"` // Public key of service provider
		MachineType     string   `json:"machine_type"`
	} `json:"params"`
	Constraints struct {
		Complexity string `json:"complexity"`
		CPU        int    `json:"cpu"`
		RAM        int    `json:"ram"`
		Vram       int    `json:"vram"`
		Power      int    `json:"power"`
		Time       int    `json:"time"`
	} `json:"constraints"`
	TraceInfo struct {
		TraceID     string `json:"trace_id"`
		SpanID      string `json:"span_id"`
		TraceFlags  string `json:"trace_flags"`
		TraceStates string `json:"trace_state"`
	} `json:"traceinfo"`
  • types.DeploymentResponse

type DeploymentResponse struct {
	Success bool   `json:"success"`
	Content string `json:"content"`
  • types.DeploymentUpdate

type DeploymentUpdate struct {
	MsgType string `json:"msg_type"`
	Msg     string `json:"msg"`
  • types.DeploymentRequestFlat

type DeploymentRequestFlat struct {
	DeploymentRequest string `json:"deployment_request"`
	// represents job status from services table; goal is to keep then in sync (both tables are on different DMSes).
	JobStatus string `json:"job_status"`
  • types.BlockchainTxStatus

type BlockchainTxStatus struct {
	TransactionType   string `json:"transaction_type"` // No need of this param maybe be deprecated in future
	TransactionStatus string `json:"transaction_status"`
	TxHash            string `json:"tx_hash"`


  • types.NewDeviceOnboarded

// NewDeviceOnboarded defines the schema of the data to be sent to stats db when a new device gets onboarded
type NewDeviceOnboarded struct {
	PeerID        string
	CPU           float32
	RAM           float32
	Network       float32
	DedicatedTime float32
	Timestamp     float32
  • types.DeviceStatusChange

// DeviceStatusChange defines the schema of the data to be sent to stats db when a device status gets changed
type DeviceStatusChange struct {
	PeerID    string
	Status    string
	Timestamp float32
  • types.DeviceResourceChange

// DeviceResourceChange defines the schema of the data to be sent to stats db when a device resource gets changed
type DeviceResourceChange struct {
	PeerID                   string
	ChangedAttributeAndValue struct {
		CPU           float32
		RAM           float32
		Network       float32
		DedicatedTime float32
	Timestamp float32
  • types.DeviceResourceConfig

// DeviceResourceConfig defines the schema of the data to be sent to stats db when a device resource config gets changed
type DeviceResourceConfig struct {
	PeerID                   string
	ChangedAttributeAndValue struct {
		CPU           float32
		RAM           float32
		Network       float32
		DedicatedTime float32
	Timestamp float32
  • types.NewService

// NewService defines the schema of the data to be sent to stats db when a new service gets registered in the platform type NewService struct { ServiceID string ServiceName string ServiceDescription string Timestamp float32 }

  • types.ServiceCall

// ServiceCall defines the schema of the data to be sent to stats db when a host machine accepts a deployement request
type ServiceCall struct {
	CallID              float32
	PeerIDOfServiceHost string
	ServiceID           string
	CPUUsed             float32
	MaxRAM              float32
	MemoryUsed          float32
	NetworkBwUsed       float32
	TimeTaken           float32
	Status              string
	AmountOfNtx         int32
	Timestamp           float32
  • types.ServiceStatus

// ServiceStatus defines the schema of update the status of service to stats db of the job being executed on host machine
type ServiceStatus struct {
	CallID              float32
	PeerIDOfServiceHost string
	ServiceID           string
	Status              string
	Timestamp           float32
  • types.ServiceRemove

// ServiceRemove defines the schema of the data to be sent to stats db when a new service gets removed from the platform
type ServiceRemove struct {
	ServiceID string
	Timestamp float32
  • types.NtxPayment

// NtxPayment defines the schema of the data to be sent to stats db when a payment is made to device for the completion of service.
type NtxPayment struct {
	CallID            float32
	ServiceID         string
	AmountOfNtx       int32
	PeerID            string
	SuccessFailStatus string
	Timestamp         float32


  • types.Executor: This defines the type of executor that is used to execute the job.

type Executor struct {
	ExecutorType ExecutorType `json:"executor_type"`

type ExecutorType string
  • types.ExecutionRequest: This is the input that executor receives to initiate a job execution.

type ExecutionRequest struct {
	// ID of the job to execute
	JobID string

	// ID of the execution
	ExecutionID string

	// Engine spec for the execution
	EngineSpec types.SpecConfig

	// Resources for the execution
	Resources types.Resources

	// Input volumes for the execution
	Inputs []storage.StorageVolume

	// Output volumes for the results
	Outputs []storage.StorageVolume

	// Directory to store the results
	ResultsDir string
  • types.ExecutionResult: This contains the result of the job execution.

type ExecutionResult struct {
	// STDOUT of the execution
	STDOUT string `json:"stdout"`

	// STDERR of the execution
	STDERR string `json:"stderr"`

	// Exit code of the execution
	ExitCode int `json:"exit_code"`

	// Error message if the execution failed
	ErrorMsg string `json:"error_msg"`
  • types.SpecConfig TBD: This allows arbitrary configuration/parameters as needed during implementation of specific executor.

// SpecConfig represents a configuration for a spec
// A SpecConfig can be used to define an engine spec, a storage volume, etc.
type SpecConfig struct {
	// Type of the spec (e.g. docker, firecracker, storage, etc.)
	Type string `json:"type"`

	// Params of the spec
	// This allows passing arbitrary parameters to the spec implementation
	Params map[string]interface{} `json:"params,omitempty"`
  • types.LogStreamRequest: This is the input provided when a request to stream logs of an execution is made.

type LogStreamRequest struct {
	JobID       string // ID of the job
	ExecutionID string // ID of the execution
	Tail        bool   // Tail the logs
	Follow      bool   // Follow the logs


  • types.BootSource: This contains configuration parameters for booting a Firecracker VM.

type BootSource struct {
	KernelImagePath string `json:"kernel_image_path"`
	BootArgs        string `json:"boot_args"`
  • types.Drives: This contains properties of a virtual drive for Firecracker VM.

type Drives struct {
	DriveID      string `json:"drive_id"`
	PathOnHost   string `json:"path_on_host"`
	IsRootDevice bool   `json:"is_root_device"`
	IsReadOnly   bool   `json:"is_read_only"`
  • types.MachineConfig: This defines the configuration parameters of the machine to be used while creating a new Firecracker VM.

type MachineConfig struct {
	VCPUCount  int `json:"vcpu_count"`
	MemSizeMib int `json:"mem_size_mib"`
  • types.NetworkInterfaces: This defines the network configuration parameters.

type NetworkInterfaces struct {
	IfaceID     string `json:"iface_id"`
	GuestMac    string `json:"guest_mac"`
	HostDevName string `json:"host_dev_name"`
  • types.MMDSConfig: This contains a list of the network configuration parameters defined by NetworkInterfaces struct.

type MMDSConfig struct {
	NetworkInterface []string `json:"network_interfaces"`
  • types.MMDSMsg TBD: This contains the latest metadata of the machine.

type MMDSMsg struct {
	Latest struct {
		Metadata struct {
		} `json:"meta-data"`
	} `json:"latest"`
  • types.MMDSMetadata TBD: This contains the metadata of the machine.

type MMDSMetadata struct {
	NodeId string `json:"node_id"`
	PKey   string `json:"pkey"`
  • types.Actions TBD: This contains the type of action to be performed on the Firecracker VM.

type Actions struct {
	ActionType string `json:"action_type"`
  • types.VirtualMachine: This contains the configuration parameters of Firecracker virtual machine.

type VirtualMachine struct {
	SocketFile string `json:"socket_file"`
	BootSource string `json:"boot_source"`
	Filesystem string `json:"filesystem"`
	VCPUCount  int    `json:"vcpu_count"`
	MemSizeMib int    `json:"mem_size_mib"`
	TapDevice  string `json:"tap_device"`
	State      string `json:"state"`


  • types.IP

type IP []any
  • types.PeerInfo TBD: This contains parameters of the peer node.

type PeerInfo struct {
	NodeID    string `json:"nodeID,omitempty"`
	Key       string `json:"key,omitempty"`
	Mid       string `json:"mid,omitempty"`
	PublicKey string `json:"public_key,omitempty"`
	Address   string `json:"_address,omitempty"`
  • types.Machine: This contains the configuration parameters of the machine.

type Machine struct {
	NodeId               string
	PeerInfo             int
	IpAddr               string
	AvailableResources   int
	FreeResources        int
	TokenomicsAddress    string
	TokenomicsBlockchain string
  • types.FreeResources: This contains the resources currently available for a job.

// FreeResources are the resources free to be used by new services,
// plugins and any other processes started by DMS. It's basically
// the subtraction between AvailableResources and the amount of resources
// already used by DMS and its processes (mostly services)
type FreeResources struct {
	TotCpuHz          int     `json:"tot_cpu_hz"`
	PriceCpu          float64 `json:"price_cpu"`
	Ram               int     `json:"ram"`
	PriceRam          float64 `json:"price_ram"`
	Vcpu              int     `json:"vcpu"`
	Disk              float64 `json:"disk"`
	PriceDisk         float64 `json:"price_disk"`
	NTXPricePerMinute float64 `json:"ntx_price"`
  • types.AvailableResources: This contains the resources onboarded to Nunet by the user.

// AvailableResources are the amount of resources onboarded which
// can be used by NuNet
type AvailableResources struct {
	TotCpuHz          int
	CpuNo             int
	CpuHz             float64
	PriceCpu          float64
	Ram               int
	PriceRam          float64
	Vcpu              int
	Disk              float64
	PriceDisk         float64
	NTXPricePerMinute float64
  • types.Services TBD: This contains the details of the services running on the machine.

type Services struct {
	TxHash               string
	TransactionType      string // transaction type can be running, done, withdraw, refund and distribute
	JobStatus            string // whether job is running or exited; one of these 'running', 'finished without errors', 'finished with errors'
	JobDuration          int64  // job duration in minutes
	EstimatedJobDuration int64  // job duration in minutes
	ServiceName          string
	ContainerID          string
	ResourceRequirements int
	ImageID              string
	LogURL               string
	LastLogFetch         time.Time
	ServiceProviderAddr  string
	ComputeProviderAddr  string
	MetadataHash         string
	WithdrawHash         string
	RefundHash           string // saving hashes for call the `/request-reward` endpoint by SPD
	Distribute_50Hash    string
	Distribute_75Hash    string
	SignatureDatum       string
	MessageHashDatum     string
	Datum                string
	SignatureAction      string // saving signatures for removing redundancy of calling Oracle
	MessageHashAction    string
	Action               string
	// TODO: Add ContainerType field

  • types.ServiceResourceRequirements: This contains the resource requirements for a service.

type ServiceResourceRequirements struct {
	CPU  int
	RAM  int
	VCPU int
	HDD  int
  • types.ContainerImages: This contains parameters of a container image.

type ContainerImages struct {
	ImageID   string
	ImageName string
	Digest    string
  • types.Libp2pInfo: This contains parameters of Libp2p node.

type Libp2pInfo struct {
	PrivateKey []byte `json:"private_key"`
	PublicKey  []byte `json:"public_key"`
	ServerMode bool   `json:"server_mode"`
	Available  bool   `json:"available"`
  • types.MachineUUID: This defines the unique identifier for the machine.

type MachineUUID struct {
	UUID string `json:"uuid"`
  • types.Gpu: This contains the GPU parameters of the machine.

type Gpu struct {
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	TotVram  uint64 `json:"tot_vram"`
	FreeVram uint64 `json:"free_vram"`
  • types.resources: This defines the resource parameters of the machine.

type resources struct {
	TotCpuHz  float64
	PriceCpu  float64
	Ram       int
	PriceRam  float64
	Vcpu      int
	Disk      float64
	PriceDisk float64
  • types.PeerData: This contains the details of the peer node.

type PeerData struct {
	PeerID               string        `json:"peer_id"`
	IsAvailable          bool          `json:"is_available"`
	HasGpu               bool          `json:"has_gpu"`
	GpuInfo              []Gpu         `json:"gpu_info"`
	TokenomicsAddress    string        `json:"tokenomics_addrs"`
	TokenomicsBlockchain string        `json:"tokenomics_blockchain"`
	AvailableResources   FreeResources `json:"available_resources"`
	Services             []Services    `json:"services"`
	Timestamp            int64         `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
  • types.Connection: TBD

type Connection struct {
	PeerID     string `json:"peer_id"`
	Multiaddrs string `json:"multiaddrs"`
  • types.PingResult: The contains the details of the ping result.

type PingResult struct {
	RTT     time.Duration
	Success bool
	Error   error
  • types.Machines: TBD

type Machines map[string]PeerData
  • types.KadDHTMachineUpdate: This contains machine info for KAD-DHT.

// machine info for KAD-DHT
type KadDHTMachineUpdate struct {
	Data      []byte `json:"data"`
	Signature []byte `json:"signature"`
  • types.ElasticToken: TBD

type ElasticToken struct {
	NodeId      string
	Token       string
	ChannelName string


  • types.BlockchainAddressPrivKey

// BlockchainAddressPrivKey holds Ethereum wallet address and private key from which the
// address is derived.
type BlockchainAddressPrivKey struct {
	Address    string `json:"address,omitempty"`
	PrivateKey string `json:"private_key,omitempty"`
	Mnemonic   string `json:"mnemonic,omitempty"`
  • types.CapacityForNunet

// CapacityForNunet is a struct required in request body for the onboarding
type CapacityForNunet struct {
	Memory            int64   `json:"memory,omitempty"`
	CPU               int64   `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
	NTXPricePerMinute float64 `json:"ntx_price,omitempty"`
	Channel           string  `json:"channel,omitempty"`
	PaymentAddress    string  `json:"payment_addr,omitempty"`
	ServerMode        bool    `json:"server_mode,omitempty,"`
	IsAvailable       bool    `json:"is_available"`
  • types.Provisioned

// Provisioned struct holds data about how much total resource
// host machine is equipped with
type Provisioned struct {
	CPU      float64 `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
	Memory   uint64  `json:"memory,omitempty"`
	NumCores uint64  `json:"total_cores,omitempty"`
  • types.Metadata

// Metadata - machine metadata of onboarding parameters
type Metadata struct {
	Name            string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	UpdateTimestamp int64  `json:"update_timestamp,omitempty"`
	Resource        struct {
		MemoryMax int64 `json:"memory_max,omitempty"`
		TotalCore int64 `json:"total_core,omitempty"`
		CPUMax    int64 `json:"cpu_max,omitempty"`
	} `json:"resource,omitempty"`
	Available struct {
		CPU    int64 `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
		Memory int64 `json:"memory,omitempty"`
	} `json:"available,omitempty"`
	Reserved struct {
		CPU    int64 `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
		Memory int64 `json:"memory,omitempty"`
	} `json:"reserved,omitempty"`
	Network           string  `json:"network,omitempty"`
	PublicKey         string  `json:"public_key,omitempty"`
	NodeID            string  `json:"node_id,omitempty"`
	GpuInfo           []Gpu   `json:"gpu_info,omitempty"`
	Dashboard         string  `json:"dashboard,omitempty"`
	NTXPricePerMinute float64 `json:"ntx_price,omitempty"`
  • types.OnboardingStatus

type OnboardingStatus struct {
	Onboarded    bool   `json:"onboarded"`
	Error        error  `json:"error"`
	MachineUUID  string `json:"machine_uuid"`
	MetadataPath string `json:"metadata_path"`
	DatabasePath string `json:"database_path"`
  • types.LogBinAuth: This stores the authorisation token for LogBin.

type LogBinAuth struct {
	PeerID      string `json:"peer_id"`
	MachineUUID string `json:"machine_uuid"`
	Token       string `json:"token"`


  • types.Resources: resources defined for the machine.

type Resources struct {
    CPU      float64
    NumCores uint64
    GPU      []types.GPU `gorm:"foreignKey:ResourceID"`
    RAM      uint64
    Disk     uint64
  • types.AvailableResources: resources onboarded to Nunet.

type AvailableResources struct {
  • types.FreeResources: resources currently available for new jobs.

type FreeResources struct {
  • types.RequiredResources: resources required by the jobs running on the machine.

type RequiredResources struct {

types.GPUVendor: GPU vendors available on the machine.

type GPUVendor string

const (
	GPUVendorNvidia  GPUVendor = "NVIDIA"
	GPUVendorIntel   GPUVendor = "Intel"
	GPUVendorUnknown GPUVendor = "Unknown"
	None             GPUVendor = "None"
  • types.GPU: GPU details.

type GPU struct {
	// Index is the self-reported index of the device in the system
	Index int
	// Name is the model name of the GPU e.g. Tesla T4
	Name string
	// Vendor is the maker of the GPU, e.g. NVidia, AMD, Intel
	Vendor types.GPUVendor
	// PCIAddress is the PCI address of the device, in the format AAAA:BB:CC.C
	// Used to discover the correct device rendering cards
	PCIAddress string
	// Model of the GPU, e.g. A100
	Model string `json:"model" description:"GPU model, ex A100"`
	// TotalVRAM is the total amount of VRAM on the device
	TotalVRAM uint64
	// UsedVRAM is the amount of VRAM currently in use
	UsedVRAM uint64
	// FreeVRAM is the amount of VRAM currently free
	FreeVRAM uint64

	// Gorm fields
	ResourceID uint `gorm:"foreignKey:ID"`
  • types.GPUList: A slice of GPU.

type GPUList []types.GPU
  • types.CPUInfo: CPU information of the machine.

type CPUInfo struct {
    NumCores   uint64
    MHzPerCore float64
    Compute    float64
  • types.SpecInfo: detailed specifications of the machine.

type SpecInfo struct {
	CPUs    []types.CPU
	GPUs    []types.GPU
	RAMs    []types.RAM
	Disks   []types.Disk
	Network NetworkInfo
  • types.CPU: CPU details.

type CPU struct {
	// Model represents the CPU model, e.g., "Intel Core i7-9700K", "AMD Ryzen 9 5900X"
	Model string

	// Vendor represents the CPU manufacturer, e.g., "Intel", "AMD"
	Vendor string

	// ClockSpeedHz represents the CPU clock speed in Hz
	ClockSpeedHz uint64

	// Cores represents the number of physical CPU cores
	Cores int

	// Threads represents the number of logical CPU threads (including hyperthreading)
	Threads int

	// Architecture represents the CPU architecture, e.g., "x86", "x86_64", "arm64"
	Architecture string

	// Cache size in bytes
	CacheSize uint64
  • types.RAM: RAM details.

type RAM struct {
	// Size in bytes
	Size uint64

	// Clock speed in Hz
	ClockSpeedHz uint64

	// Type represents the RAM type, e.g., "DDR4", "DDR5", "LPDDR4"
	Type string
  • types.Disk: Disk details.

type Disk struct {
	// Model represents the disk model, e.g., "Samsung 970 EVO Plus", "Western Digital Blue SN550"
	Model string

	// Vendor represents the disk manufacturer, e.g., "Samsung", "Western Digital"
	Vendor string

	// Size in bytes
	Size uint64

	// Type represents the disk type, e.g., "SSD", "HDD", "NVMe"
	Type string

	// Interface represents the disk interface, e.g., "SATA", "PCIe", "M.2"
	Interface string

	// Read speed in bytes per second
	ReadSpeed uint64
	// Write speed in bytes per second
	WriteSpeed uint64
  • types.NetworkInfo: Network details.

type NetworkInfo struct {
	// Bandwidth in bits per second (b/s)
	Bandwidth uint64

	// NetworkType represents the network type, e.g., "Ethernet", "Wi-Fi", "Cellular"
	NetworkType string
  • types.Resource: resources resources required to execute a task


  • types.SpecConfig: This allows arbitrary configuration to be defined as needed.

// SpecConfig represents a configuration for a spec
// A SpecConfig can be used to define an engine spec, a storage volume, etc.
type SpecConfig struct {
	// Type of the spec (e.g. docker, firecracker, storage, etc.)
	Type string `json:"type"`
	// Params of the spec
	Params map[string]interface{} `json:"params,omitempty"`


  • types.StorageVolume: This contains the parameters related to the storage volume that is created by the DMS on the local machine.

// StorageVolume represents a prepared storage volume that can be mounted to an execution
type StorageVolume struct {
	// Type of the volume (e.g. bind)
	Type string `json:"type"`
	// Source path of the volume on the host
	Source string `json:"source"`
	// Target path of the volume in the execution
	Target string `json:"target"`
	// ReadOnly flag to mount the volume as read-only
	ReadOnly bool `json:"readonly"`

Telemetry Config

  • types.CollectorConfig: This contains the parameters for a collector.

type CollectorConfig struct {
	CollectorType     string
	CollectorEndpoint string
  • types.TelemetryConfig: This defines the telemetry parameters such as obervability level, collector configurations etc.

type TelemetryConfig struct {
	ServiceName        string
	GlobalEndpoint     string
	ObservabilityLevel int
	CollectorConfigs   map[string]CollectorConfig

ObservabilityLevel is an enum that defines the level of observability. Currently logging is done at these observability levels.

    TRACE ObservabilityLevel = 1
	DEBUG ObservabilityLevel = 2
	INFO  ObservabilityLevel = 3
	WARN  ObservabilityLevel = 4
	ERROR ObservabilityLevel = 5
	FATAL ObservabilityLevel = 6


  • types.BaseDBModel

// BaseDBModel is a base model for all entities. It'll be mainly used for database
// records.
type BaseDBModel struct {
	ID        string `gorm:"type:uuid"`
	CreatedAt time.Time
	UpdatedAt time.Time
	DeletedAt gorm.DeletedAt `gorm:"index"`


Test are defined in other packages where functionality is implemented.

Proposed Functionality / Requirements

List of issues

All issues that are related to the implementation of types package can be found below. These include any proposals for modifications to the package or new data structures needed to cover the requirements of other packages.

proposed Encryption interfaces

These are placeholder interface definitions which will be developed in the future.

Encryptor must support encryption of files/directories

type Encryptor interface {
	Encrypt([]byte) ([]byte, error)

Decryptor must support decryption of files/directories

type Decryptor interface {
	Decrypt([]byte) ([]byte, error)

proposed Network types and methods

This section contains the proposed data types and methods related to network functionality.

  • types.NetworkSpec

// NetworkSpec is a stub. Please expand based on requirements.
type NetworkSpec struct {
  • types.NetConfig

// NetConfig is a stub. Please expand it or completely change it based on requirements.
type NetConfig struct {
	NetworkSpec SpecConfig `json:"network_spec"` // Network specification

types.NetConfig struct will implement a GetNetworkConfig method which returns network configuration parameters.

func (nc *NetConfig) GetNetworkConfig() *SpecConfig {
	return &nc.NetworkSpec
  • types.NetworkStats

// NetworkStats should contain all network info the user is interested in.
// for now there's only peerID and listening address but reachability, local and remote addr etc...
// can be added when necessary.
type NetworkStats struct {
	ID         string `json:"id"`
	ListenAddr string `json:"listen_addr"`
  • types.MessageInfo

// MessageInfo is a stub. Please expand it or completely change it based on requirements.
type MessageInfo struct {
	Info string `json:"info"` // Message information

proposed Network configuration data type

  • types.MessageEnvelope

type MessageType string

type MessageEnvelope struct {
	Type MessageType
	Data []byte
  • types.NetworkConfig

type NetworkType string

type NetworkConfig struct {
	Type NetworkType

	// libp2p

	// nats
	NATSUrl string
  • types.Libp2pConfig

// Libp2pConfig holds the libp2p configuration type Libp2pConfig struct { DHTPrefix string //crypto is Go-libp2p package that implements various cryptographic utilities PrivateKey crypto.PrivKey BootstrapPeers []multiaddr.Multiaddr Rendezvous string Server bool Scheduler *bt.Scheduler CustomNamespace string ListenAddress []string PeerCountDiscoveryLimit int PrivateNetwork types.PrivateNetworkConfig GracePeriodMs int GossipMaxMessageSize int }

  • types.PrivateNetworkConfig

type PrivateNetworkConfig struct {
	// WithSwarmKey if true, DMS will try to fetch the key from
	// `<config_path>/swarm.key`.
	WithSwarmKey bool

	// ACL defines the access control list for the private network.
	ACL []multiaddr.Multiaddr


Last updated