
Last updated: 2024-09-27 10:47:24.416070 File source: link on GitLab


Table of Contents



The storage package is responsible for disk storage management on each DMS (Device Management Service) for data related to DMS and jobs deployed by DMS. It primarily handles storage access to remote storage providers such as AWS S3, IPFS etc. It also handles the control of storage volumes.

Structure and Organisation

Here is quick overview of the contents of this pacakge:

  • README: Current file which is aimed towards developers who wish to use and modify the package functionality.

  • storage: This file defines the interface responsible for handling input/output operations of files with remote storage providers.

  • volumes: This file contains the interfaces and structs related to storage volumes.


  • basic_controller: This folder contains the basic implementation of VolumeController interface.

  • s3: This contains implementation of storage functionality for S3 storage bucket.

Class Diagram

The class diagram for the storage package is shown below.

Source file

storage Class Diagram

Rendered from source file

!$rootUrlGitlab = ""
!$packageRelativePath = "/storage"
!$packageUrlGitlab = $rootUrlGitlab + $packageRelativePath
!include $packageUrlGitlab/specs/class_diagram.puml


The functionality with respect to storage package is offered by two main interfaces:

  1. StorageProvider

  2. VolumeController

These interfaces are described below.

StorageProvider Interface

The StorageProvider interface handles the input and output operations of files with remote storage providers such as AWS S3 and IPFS. Basically it provides methods to upload or download data and also to check the size of a data source.

Its functionality is coupled with local mounted volumes, meaning that implementations will rely on mounted files to upload data and downloading data will result in a local mounted volume.


  • If needed, the availability-checking of a storage provider should be handled druing instantiation of the implementation.

  • Any necessary authentication data should be provided within the types.SpecConfig parameters

  • The interface has been designed for file based transfer of data. It is not built with the idea of supporting streaming of data and non-file storage operations (e.g.: some databases). Assessing the feasiblity of such requirement if needed should be done while implementation.

The methods of StorageProvider are as follows:


  • signature: Upload(ctx context.Context, vol StorageVolume, target *types.SpecConfig) (*types.SpecConfig, error)

  • input #1: Context object

  • input #2: storage volume from which data will be uploaded of type storage.StorageVolume

  • input #3: configuration parameters of specified storage provider of type types.SpecConfig

  • output (sucess): parameters related to storage provider like upload details/metadata etc of type types.SpecConfig

  • output (error): error message

Upload function uploads data from the storage volume provided as input to a given remote storage provider. The configuration of the storage provider is also provided as input to the function.


  • signature: Download(ctx context.Context, source *types.SpecConfig) (StorageVolume, error)

  • input #1: Context object

  • input #2: configuration parameters of specified storage provider of type types.SpecConfig

  • output (sucess): storage volume which has downloaded data of type storage.StorageVolume

  • output (error): error message

Download function downloads data from a given source, mounting it to a certain local path. The input configuration received will vary from provider to provider and hence it is left to be detailed during implementation.

It will return an error if the operation fails. Note that this can also happen if the user running DMS does not have access permission to the given path.


  • signature: Size(ctx context.Context, source *types.SpecConfig) (uint64, error)

  • input #1: Context object

  • input #2: configuration parameters of specified storage provider of type types.SpecConfig

  • output (sucess): size of the storage in Megabytes of type uint64

  • output (error): error message

Size function returns the size of a given storage provider provided as input. It will return an error if the operation fails.

Note that this method may also be useful to check if a given source is available.

VolumeController Interface

The VolumeController interface manages operations related to storage volumes which are data mounted to files/directories.

The methods of VolumeController are as follows:


  • signature: CreateVolume(volSource storage.VolumeSource, opts -> (storage.StorageVolume, error)

  • input #1: predefined values of type string which specify the source of data (ex. IPFS etc)

  • input #2: optional parameter which can be passsed to set attributes or perform an operation on the storage volume

  • output (sucess): storage volume of type storage.StorageVolume

  • output (error): error message

CreateVolume creates a directory where data can be stored, and returns a StorageVolume which contains the path to the directory. Note that CreateVolume does not insert any data within the directory. It's up to the caller to do that.

VolumeSource contains predefined constants to specify common sources like S3 but it's extensible if new sources need to be supported.

CreateVolOpt is a function type that modifies storageVolume object. It allows for arbitrary operations to be performed while creating volume like setting permissions, encryption etc.

CreateVolume will return an error if the operation fails. Note that this can also happen if the user running DMS does not have access permission to create volume at the given path.


  • signature: LockVolume(pathToVol string, opts -> error

  • input #1: path to the volume

  • input #2: optional parameter which can be passsed to set attributes or perform an operation on the storage volume

  • output (sucess): None

  • output (error): error message

LockVolume makes the volume read-only. It should be used after all necessary data has been written to the volume. It also makes clear whether a volume will change state or not. This is very useful when we need to retrieve volume's CID which is immutable given a certain data.

LockVolOpt is a function type that modifies storageVolume object. It allows for arbitrary operations to be performed while locking the volume like setting permissions, encryption etc.

LockVolume will return an error if the operation fails.


  • signature: DeleteVolume(identifier string, idType storage.IDType) -> error

  • input #1: path to the volume or CID

  • input #2: integer value associated with the type of identifier

  • output (error): error message

DeleteVolume function deletes everything within the root directory of a storage volume. It will return an error if the operation fails. Note that this can also happen if the user running DMS does not have the requisite access permissions.

The input can be a path or a Content ID (CID) depending on the identifier type passed.

IDType contains predefined integer values for different types of identifiers.


  • signature: ListVolumes() -> ([]storage.StorageVolume, error)

  • input: None

  • output (sucess): List of existing storage volumes of type storage.StorageVolume

  • output (error): error message

ListVolumes function fetches the list of existing storage volumes. It will return an error if the operation fails or if the user running DMS does not have the requisite access permissions.


  • signature: GetSize(identifier string, idType storage.IDType) -> (int64, error)

  • input #1: path to the volume or CID

  • input #2: integer value associated with the type of identifier

  • output (success): size of the volume

  • output (error): error message

GetSize returns the size of a volume. The input can be a path or a Content ID (CID) depending on the identifier type passed. It will return an error if the operation fails.

IDType contains predefined integer values for different types of identifiers.

Data Types

  • storage.StorageVolume: This struct contains parameters related to a storage volume such as path, CID etc.

import "time"

// StorageVolume contains the location (FS path) of a directory where certain data may be stored
// and metadata about the volume itself + data (if any).
type StorageVolume struct {
	// CID is the content identifier of the storage volume.
	// Warning: CID must be updated ONLY when locking volume (aka when volume was
	// is set to read-only)
	// Be aware: Before relying on data's CID, be aware that it might be encrypted (
	// EncryptionType might be checked first if needed)
	CID string

	// Path points to the root of a DIRECTORY where data may be stored.
	Path string

	// ReadOnly indicates whether the storage volume is read-only or not.
	ReadOnly bool

	// Size is the size of the storage volume
	// Size int64

	// Private indicates whether the storage volume is private or not.
	// If it's private, it shouldn't be shared with other nodes and it shouldn't
	// be persisted after the job is finished.
	// Practical application: if private, peer maintaining it shouldn't publish
	// its CID as if it was available to be worked on by other jobs.
	Private bool

	// EncryptionType indicates the type of encryption used for the storage volume.
	// In case no encryption is used, the value will be EncryptionTypeNull
    EncryptionType types.EncryptionType 

	// CreatedAt represents the creation timestamp of the storage volume
	CreatedAt time.Time

	// UpdatedAt represents the last update timestamp of the storage volume
	UpdatedAt time.Time

TBD Note: EncryptionType is not yet defined in types package

  • types.SpecConfig: This allows arbitrary configuration/parameters as needed during implementation of a specific storage provider. The parameters include authentication related data (if applicable).

  • storage.VolumeSource: This represents the source of data for a storage volume, for example IPFS, S3 etc.

// VolumeSource contains the source of data for a storage volume
type VolumeSource string

const (
	VolumeSourceUndefined VolumeSource = "volume-source-undefined"
	VolumeSourceS3        VolumeSource = "s3"
	VolumeSourceIPFS      VolumeSource = "ipfs"
	VolumeSourceJob       VolumeSource = "job" // when data is generated by a job
  • storage.CreateVolOpt: This allows arbitrary operations on storage.StorageVolume to passed as input during volume creation.

type CreateVolOpt func(*storage.StorageVolume)

storage.LockVolOpt: This allows arbitrary operations on StorageVolume to passed as input during locking of volume.

// LockVolumeOpt allows arbitrary operation on the storage volume
// while making the volume read-only
type LockVolOpt func(*storage.StorageVolume)

storage.IDType: This defines integer values for different types of identifiers of a storage volume.

type IDType int

const (
	IDTypeUndefined IDType = iota

types.EncryptionType: TBD

Note: The definition below should be moved to types package

type EncryptionType int

const (
	EncryptionTypeNull EncryptionType = iota



Proposed Functionality / Requirements

List of issues

All issues that are related to the implementation of storage package can be found below. These include any proposals for modifications to the package or new data structures needed to cover the requirements of other packages.


Last updated