
Last updated: 2024-09-27 10:47:21.133899 File source: link on GitLab


Table of Contents



This pacakge manages local jobs and their allocation, including relation to execution environments, etc. It will manage jobs through whatever executor it's running (Vontainer, VM, Direct_exe, Java etc).

Structure and Organisation

Here is quick overview of the contents of this directory:


Class Diagram

The class diagram for the jobs package is shown below.

Source file

jobs Class Diagram

Rendered from source file

!$rootUrlGitlab = ""
!$packageRelativePath = "/dms/jobs"
!$packageUrlGitlab = $rootUrlGitlab + $packageRelativePath
!include $packageUrlGitlab/specs/class_diagram.puml



Note: the functionality of DMS is being currently developed. See the proposed section for the suggested design of interfaces and methods.

Data Types


Note: the functionality of DMS is being currently developed. See the proposed section for the suggested data types.



Proposed Functionality / Requirements

List of issues

All issues that are related to the implementation of dms package can be found below. These include any proposals for modifications to the package or new functionality needed to cover the requirements of other packages.

Interfaces & Methods

proposed Job interface

type Job_interface interface {
	// extends graph.Vertex interface in order to be able to build 
	// job structure as a special instantiation of a graph
	// commented it since it not shown in the class diagram

	// additional methods
	getPods() []jobs.Pod

getPods: will fetch list of pods currently running on the machine

proposed Pod interface

type Pod_interface interface {
	combineCapabilities() dms.Capability

combineCapabilities: will combine the capability requirements of different jobs to calculate total capabality needed for a Pod.

proposed JobLink interface

type JobLink_interface interface {
	// extends graph.Edge interface
	// commented as it is not shown in class diagram
    // dms.graph.Edge


validateRelations: It validates the JobLink properties provided.

proposed Allocation interface

type Allocation_interface interface {
	// start the allocation execution via the executor package
    // send message to another actor
    // register the allocation with the node

start: starts the allocation execution

sendMessage: sends a message to another actor (Node/Allocation)

register: registers the allocation with the node that it is running on

Data types

  • proposed Nunet job which will be sent to the network wrapped as a BidRequest. If needed it will have child jobs to be executed. The relation between parent and child job needs to be specified.

type Job struct {
	// JobID is the unique identifier of the job 
	JobId 				types.ID
    // all information that is needed to convert a job description into ExecutionRequest
	// in principle, the logic of inputs and outputs can be expressed 
	// within graph structure, when (and if) we develop general interface 
	// of storage.StorageProvider and make it extend Vertex interface
	// until that we need to use special structures outside Graph interface
	inputs 		Slice[types.SpecConfig]
	outputs		Slice[types.SpecConfig]

    RequiredCapability dms.Capability

    // child jobs that have to be executed as part of this job
    // specified using JobLink structure
    children Slice[] // in graph.Vertex type this is outEdge

    // extend graph.Vertex type 
    // given that, all children jobs will be expressed via the this interface
	// just expanding on that here
	// clearly saying that a job can have only one parent but many children
    // commented it as we have not included this in the class diagram
    // dms.graph.Vertex
  • proposed specifies the properties that relate parent and child job.

type JobLink struct {
	// extends Edge struct
	// commented as it is not shown in class diagram
    // dms.graph.Edge // but types Vertexes on both end of the link to Jobs...

	// RelationProperties captures the relation between the parent and the child job
    RelationProperties types.SpecConfig
    // Child job that is linked to the parent job
  • proposed collection of jobs that need to be executed on the same machine.

type Pod struct {
	// identifer of the Pod
    ID types.ID 
    // Combined capability required by the Pod
    podCapability dms.Capability
    // Jobs that are part of the Pod
    jobs Slice[]
  • proposed maps the job to the process on a executor. Each Allocation is an Actor.

type Allocation struct {
    // allocation is an actor (so extends Actor struct)
    // commented since it is not shown in class diagram
    // dms.orchestrator.Actor 
    // identifier for the allocation
    // identifier of the job that had led to this allocation

    // identifier of the node that is executing the allocation
	NodeID  dms.node.NodeID
    // identifier of the node that created the job
    Source  types.ID

    // Mailbox of the Allocation
    Mailbox    dms.orchestrator.Mailbox
  • proposed identifier for Allocation objects.

type AllocationID struct {
	// UUID is the unique identifier of the Allocation
    UUID types.ID.UUID

	// CID is a Content identifier that can be used in DHT or otherwise;
	// CIDs may be especially useful for routing messages directly to allocations via Kademlia DHT
	// it is not clear if we are going to use it now
	CID string 


Allocation as an Actor: As per initial specification of NuNet ontology / nomenclature, Allocation is considered as an Actor. That makes a running job a first class citizen of NuNet's Actor model, so being able to send and receive messages and maintain state.

Last updated