
At NuNet, our mission to revolutionize decentralized computing is driven by a culture of collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement. To maintain our high standards and achieve our ambitious goals, we have developed a comprehensive set of Team Processes and Guidelines. These processes are designed to ensure that every member of the NuNet community—whether core team, contributors, or partners—can work together efficiently and effectively.

Our guidelines cover key areas including:

  • Agile Development Practices: We adopt agile methodologies to enhance flexibility, collaboration, and rapid iteration. Our sprints, stand-ups, and retrospectives help us stay aligned, prioritize tasks, and continuously improve our workflows.

  • Clear Communication Protocols: Effective communication is at the heart of our success. We leverage tools like Slack, GitLab, and regular video meetings to keep all team members informed and connected, fostering a culture of open dialogue and shared understanding.

  • Code of Conduct: Respect, inclusivity, and professionalism are core to our ethos. Our Code of Conduct outlines the expectations for behavior within the NuNet community, ensuring a welcoming environment where all members can contribute and thrive.

  • Documentation Standards: Clear and consistent documentation is essential for collaboration and knowledge sharing. We follow structured documentation practices that ensure all processes, decisions, and technical specifications are well-documented and easily accessible.

  • Contribution Guidelines: We welcome contributions from a diverse set of developers and researchers. Our contribution guidelines provide a roadmap for onboarding, issue reporting, code submission, and review processes, making it easy for newcomers to engage with our project.

  • Quality Assurance: We emphasize rigorous quality control throughout the development lifecycle. Our team follows best practices in testing, code review, and continuous integration to maintain the reliability and security of the platform.

  • Security Protocols: In decentralized computing, security is paramount. Our team adheres to strict security protocols and practices, including secure coding, vulnerability assessments, and incident response plans, to protect the integrity of the NuNet platform.

The Team Processes and Guidelines documentation provides detailed information on all these areas, outlining our expectations, workflows, and best practices. It is designed to help everyone on our team—and our contributors—work more effectively together, driving innovation and ensuring the highest quality standards.

Whether you are a core developer, a new contributor, or a partner, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with these guidelines to understand how we operate and how you can best contribute to NuNet’s mission.

Last updated