Stage 2: Onboard on NuNet

Please read NuNets Disclaimer before installing any software on your devices.

Rewards for Stage 2 testing have stopped May 17th at 6pm UTC

Testing Plan

1.1 Objectives.

Stage 2 will focus on testing components in relations to onboarding community devices to NuNet and the discovery of other devices on the network.

Before participating in this Staged Test please read the Testing Configuration page.

1.2 Testing Type

This testing campaign will be focused on component testing. We will test DMS installation and onboarding devices to NuNet.

1.3 Scope of Testing

The following features and functionalities will be tested during this campaign

  • Installing the DMS on community devices

  • Running the DMS CLI - This will test onboarding devices, managing resources, wallets, and interactions with peers.

  • Onboarding using wallet address created in Stage 1

  • Testing Network Status Dashboard

  • Peer Discovery

1.4 Testing schedule

This campaign will run from May 1st to May 8th

Test Environment (Testing Steps)

2.1 Documentation

This section includes the relevant links to documentation needed for this test stage:

2.2 Monitoring and Reporting Tools

Community Participation

4.1 Get Involved

Please join our Discord Server and head to #role-assignment click on 2️⃣ to be given access to the relevant testing channels.

In order to receive mNTX your wallet you will need to be added to our Testnet Stage 2 Whitelist to receive mNTX, you can find a link to the whitelist in the Welcome group on Discord Stage 2 category.

4.2 NTX Incentives

  • Testers will be rewarded for the following:

  • Bug discoveryCritical bugs discovered

    Major bugs discovered

    Minor bugs discovered

    Test case creation/improvement

    New test cases created

    Significant improvements to existing cases

    Bug fixing/code contributions

    Critical bugs fixed

    Major bugs fixed

    Minor bugs fixed

    Code improvements

    Community support/engagement

    Helpful answers on forums

    Knowledge-sharing (tutorials, articles)

    Active moderation/ambassadorship

    Quality feedback/suggestions

    High-impact suggestions

    Moderate-impact suggestions

    (Low-impact suggestions

4.3 Communication Channels

  • Stage 2 Category

  • Stage 2 Forum

  • Communication Channel for Stage 2 testers

Contribution Guidelines

If you have any issues or bugs to report please follow our procedure outlined in our Contribution Guidelines page on GitLab


Report will be added after testing is complete.

Last updated