mNTX Faucet: Get mNTX for testing

In order to receive mNTX you will need to be added to our whitelist head to Stage 1 or Discord to learn more. Please read NuNets Disclaimer before installing any software on your devices.

To get mNTX (mock NTX) on the PreProd Cardano network, follow the below instructions on how to use the mNTX faucet:

  • To use the NTX faucet on the Cardano Blockchain, follow these basic instructions:

    1. Create a Cardano wallet: If you don't have a Cardano wallet already on the PreProd Cardano network, create one using Eternl or Nami wallet applications. Make sure to securely store your seed phrase, as it is crucial for recovering your wallet.

    2. Find your wallet address: After creating your wallet double check you are on the preprod network, locate your Cardano wallet address. It typically starts with "addr_test1" and is followed by a long string of alphanumeric characters. in most wallets you find it by clicking on receive. Copy this address to use it in the next step.

    3. Join Discord and Whitelist: Join our Discord server and head to the relevant testing stage. Fill out the Google Form linked with your wallet address, Discord Name and GitLab name. We will use the wallet address provided to reward contributions both on Discord and GitLab. *Please note this may take some hours to receive mNTX to discourage spamming.

    4. Access the NTX faucet: Visit the NTX faucet's website provided by the NuNet team. . Note only whitelisted addresses will be able to receive tokens.

    5. Connect your Cardano wallet: click the connect wallet button and select the wallet you would like to use from the dropdown then click the mint mNTX button. (NOTE: please doublecheck this is the wallet you entered in the google form and that it is on the cardano preprod testnet)

    6. Sign the transaction: When you click the mint mNTX button it should open your wallet and ask you to sign a transaction. (note you should have some test ADA in your wallet before you do this if you dont have it already go here)

    7. Faucet response: if it all went well then you should see a transaction hash, you can copy this and check on you may also receive a message saying you are not whitelisted, if this is the case please ensure you submitted the google form and have received notification that you were successfully whitelisted in discord. If you are still getting some sort of error message please go to discord for help.

    8. Check your wallet balance: After submitting your request, wait for a few minutes and then check your wallet application to confirm the receipt of mNTX tokens. It might take some time for the transaction to be processed, depending on the network's congestion.

    9. Use your mNTX tokens: You can now use the mNTX tokens in your wallet for testing or participating in the NuNet platform's services.

    Keep in mind that the mNTX tokens received from the faucet are intended for testing and development purposes. They may not hold any real-world value outside of the test environment or PreProd Cardano network.

Last updated