Components Installation

Please read NuNets Disclaimer before installing any software on your devices.

Device Management Service (DMS): A service for both users and compute providers to manage their devices on the NuNet platform. Follow the Device Management Service documentation for installation and usage instructions. Our NuNet CLI manual would also be an essential reference.

Service Provider Dashboard (For End-Users Who Request Jobs with NTX): A web application for users to manage and monitor their ML jobs on the NuNet platform. Follow the Service Provider Dashboard documentation for installation and usage instructions.

Compute Provider Dashboard (For Compute Providers Who Receive Jobs for NTX): A web application for compute providers to manage their resources and monitor the jobs running on their devices. Follow the Compute Provider Dashboard documentation for installation and usage instructions.

Note that both service providers (end-users) and compute providers must install the DMS on their local machines before installing either the Service Provider Dashboard (SPD) or the Compute Provider Dashboard (CPD). The DMS is an installation dependency for both applications.

Last updated