Network Tokenomics

NuNet strives to maintain an up-to-date page, but communication delays may occasionally occur. For the latest Token news, please visit our Token blog page Last update 15th August 2023

  • Ticker: NTX

  • Total supply: 1 billion

  • Tokens distributed at launch: 300 million NTX

  • NTX Tokens offered to Community Supporters Round: 100 million

  • Circulating supply first week: 75 million NTX

  • Initial market cap: $3 million USD (at DEX listing)

  • Private placement rate: $0.02 USD (2 cents)

  • Community supporters round rate: $0.02 USD (2 cents)

  • Fully diluted valuation: $20 million USD

Contract : source code & audit report

NTX is designed to be a multi-chain utility token from the start. At the Token Generation Event, NuNet will mint 1 billion NTX tokens across two blockchains:

  • 631,250,000 NTX-ETH tokens (63.125% of the total supply) on Ethereum

  • 368,750,000 NTX-ADA tokens (36.875% of the total supply) on Cardano

Last updated