Last updated: 2024-09-23 12:08:19.534040 File source: link on GitLab
In order to support a system in which actors would autonomously yet collectively search for assemblages leading to "better" configurations, as required by different tasks and problems, we need the notion and implementation of *computational economy. Such an economy would define the costs of physical computing resources and data transfer that actors would need to take into account when forming assemblages – or larger computational units. Moreover, in order to describe such an economy, notions of actors’ location, mobility and execution context should be defined in a way that could be accessed and reasoned by the actors themselves. This requires an extension of the otherwise location-transparent actor model with a global yet dynamic topological structure that can be accessed and modified by actors.
We implement the basis / fundamentals of tokenomic model by designing and implemented the abstract interoperability layer that allows computing model (and deployment layer) to interact with any micro-payments infrastructure that is required for business needs / use-cases of different user classes participating in the network.
The basic abstract interface and its implementation is developed within device-management-service/tokenomics package;