Last updated: 2025-01-22 01:11:02.864340 File source: link on GitLab
This package contains all network related code such as p2p communication, ip over libp2p and other networks that might be needed in the future.
Here is quick overview of the contents of this pacakge:
README: Current file which is aimed towards developers who wish to use and modify the package functionality.
network: This file defines Network and Messenger interfaces and a method to create a new network.
types: This file defines the VPN interface.
libp2p: This contains code related to libp2p functionality.
specs: This contains class diagram of the package built in plantuml.
The class diagram for the network package is shown below.
Source file
Rendered from source file
Note: the functionality of DMS is being currently developed. See the proposed section for the suggested design of interfaces and methods.
Note: the functionality of DMS is being currently developed. See the proposed section for the suggested data types.
List of issues
All issues that are related to the implementation of network
package can be found below. These include any proposals for modifications to the package or new data structures needed to cover the requirements of other packages.
Interfaces and methods
Network interface
Let's have a look at the methods and rationale behind them:
is where host is prepared with desired settings. Settings are loaded from the file if required. An example in libp2p implementation would be to configure parameters which needs to be passed to libp2p.New()
method, it can also a good place to set the stream handlers.
Things like private network are configured at this point.
or Start
starts up the host. This is a good place to start discovery and starting goroutines for fetching DHT update and updating peerstore.
In libp2p, we can listen to specific events. EventRegister
is to set handler to such event. A few events in libp2p are:
More events can be found here
is for connecting to a peer. When peer A dials peer B, peer B has to Listen
to the incoming connection.
is the counterpart to Dial
. Read more about listening and dialing here
All peers we are corrently connected to.
Basically it's like shutting down the peer. It is opposite of Init
or Start
VPN interface
Let's have a look at the methods and background behind them:
: Parameter are still to be defined. Should we pass the peer ID? Or make it more generic to have IP addresses?
takes in initial list of hosts and assigns each peer a private IP.
is for adding a new peer to the VPN after the VPN is created. This should also update the routing table with the new peer. It should also not affect the existing peers, and should not lead to any IP collision.
should remove a peer from remove peers from the private network.
: What should be done when the VPN is stopped? Should all the peers be removed from the network?
Internal APIs
signature: publishJob(dms.orchestrator.BidRequest)
input: Bid request
output: None
is responsible for publishing a request for bid to the network for a job received by the DMS.
There should be a top level package for set of functions/initlializers for management of:
TUN/TAP device
Virtual ethernet
Virtual switch
Firewall management
shall be called by dms.orchestrator.sendMessage()
function ito send the telemetry.Message
object via libP2P interface defined in network
package. It is a low level implementation of sending messages in NuNet network via libp2p.
Private Swarm
Note: Private Swarm functionality is expected to be moved to libp2p sub-package once specific methods and interfaces have been defined
The private swarm functionality allows users to create and join a private network with some authorised peers. Note that these peers need to be identified beforehand to use this feature. It is also required that all peers have onboarded to the Nunet network and are using the same channel. It is because the identification of peers is done using libp2p public key generated during the onboarding process.
The creation of private network consists of the following operations.
Configure Private Network
The user who wants to create the private network should have a list of peer ids
it wants to authorise to join the private network. This process configures the network by creating a swarm key and a bootstrap node.
Exchange Swarm Key
The authorised user who wants to connect to the private network will request for a swarm key from the node that has configured the private network. The node which has created the swarm key shares it with the authorised user when requested. The authentication of the user is based on its public key.
Join Private Network
The DMS will disconnect from the public network and join the private network using the shared swarm key.
Disconnect Private Network
The DMS will disconnect from the private network and join the public network the user onboarded on to.
Rotate Swarm Key
The DMS will generate a new swarm key for the private network and notify the authorised users.
Last updated: 2025-01-22 01:11:03.151921 File source: link on GitLab
This package implements Network
interface defined in root level network dir.
proposed: @sam
Peer discovery and handshake
Instead of keeping track of all the peers. Peers should only in touch with peers of their types in terms of network latency, resources, or uptime.
A reason for this is, if some low performing peer is with some high performing peers, and job is distributed among them, it can slow others peers as well overall.
Max number of handshake peers
Different nodes will have different requirements regarding the number of peers that they should remain handshaking with. e.g. a small node on a mobile network will not need to maintain a large list of peers. But, a node acting as network load balancer in a data center might need to maintain a large list of peers.
Filter list
We can have filters that ensures that the only peers that are handshaked with are ones that meet certain criteria. The following list is not exhaustive:
Network latency. Have a set of fastest peers.
Resource. Relates to job types.
Uptime. Connect to peers who are online for certain period of time.
Network latency
For the network latency part, DMS should also be able to keep latency table between ongoing jobs on different CPs. The network package should be able to report it to the master node (SP). Orchestrator can then make decision on whether to replace workers or not.
Filter peers at the time of discovery. Based on above parameters.
SP/orchestrator specifies what pool of CP it is looking for.
CP connects to same kind of CP.
Can use gossipsub.
Here is quick overview of the contents of this pacakge:
README: Current file which is aimed towards developers who wish to use and modify the package functionality.
conn: This file defines the method to ping a peer.
dht: This file contains functionalities of a libp2p node. It includes functionalities for setting up libp2p hosts, performing pings between peers, fetching DHT content, checking the status of a peer and validating data against their signatures.
discover: This file contains methods for peer discovery in a libp2p node.
filter: This file defines functionalities for peer filtering and connection management in a libp2p node.
init: This file defines configurations and initialization logic for a libp2p node.
libp2p: This file defines stubs for Libp2p peer management functionalities, including configuration, initialization, events, status, stopping, cleanup, ping, and DHT dump.
p2p: This file defines a Libp2p node with core functionalities including discovery, peer management, DHT interaction, and communication channels, with several stub implementations.
The class diagram for the libp2p sub-package is shown below.
Source file
Rendered from source file
As soon as DMS starts, and if it is onboarded to the network, libp2p.RunNode
is executed. This gets up entire thing related to libp2p. Let's run down through it to see what it does.
RunNode calls NewHost
. NewHost in itself does a lot of things. Let's dive into the NewHost:
It creates a connection manager. This defines what is the upper and lower limit of peers current peer will connect to.
It then defines a multiaddr filter which is used to deny discovering on local network. This was added to stop scanning local network in a data center.
NewHost then sets various options for the and passes it to libp2p.New to create a new host. Options such as NAT traversal is configured at this point.
Getting back to other RunNode, it calls p2p.BootstrapNode(ctx)
. Bootstrapping basically is connecting to initial peers.
Then the function continues setting up streams. Streams are bidirectional connection between peers. More on this in next section. Here is an example of setting up a stream handler on host for particular protocol:
After that, we have discoverPeers
After that, we have DHT update and get functions to store information about peer in peerstore.
Communication between libp2p peers, or more generally DMS happens using libp2p streams. A DMS can have one or many stream with one or more peer. We currently we have adopted following streams for our usecases.
We can count this as internal to libp2p and is used for operational purposes. Unlike ICMP pings, libp2p pings works on streams, and is closed after the ping.
A utility functionality to enable chat between peers.
Most recent addition to DMS, where we send IP packets through libp2p stream.
File Transfer
File transfer is generally used to carry files from one DMS to another. Most notably used to carry checkpoint files from a job from CP to SP.
Deployment Request (DepReq)
Used for deployment of a job and for getting their progress.
Current DepReq Stream Handler
Each stream need to have a handler attached to it. Let's get to know more about deployment request stream handler. Deployment request handler handles incoming deployment request from the service provider side. Similarly, some function has to listen for update from the service provider side as well. More on that in the next in a minute.
Following is a sequence of event happening on compute provider side:
Checks if InboundDepReqStream
variable is set. And if it is, reply to service provider: DepReq open stream length exceeded
. Currently we have only 1 job allowed per dep req stream.
If above is not the case, we go and read from the stream. We are expecting a
Now is the point to set the InboundDepReqStream
to the incoming stream value.
In unmarshal the incoming message into types.DeploymentRequest
struct. If it can't, it informs the other party about the it.
Otherwise, if everything is going well till now, we check the txHash
value from the depReq. And make sure it exist on the blockchain before proceeding. If the txHash is not valid, or it timed out while waiting for validation, we let the other side know.
Final thing we do it to put the depReq inside the DepReqQueue
After this step, the command is handed over to executor
module. Please refer to Relation between libp2p and docker modules.
Deployment Request stream handler can further be segmented into different message types:
Above message types are used by various functions inside the stream. Last 4 or above is handled on the SP side. Further by the websocket server which started the deployment request. This does not means CP does not deals with them.
Relation between libp2p and docker modules
When DepReq streams receives a deployment request on the stream, it does some json validation, and pushes it to DepReqQueue
. This extra step instead of directly passing the command to docker package was for decoupling and scalibility.
There is a messaging.DeploymentWorker()
goroutine which is launched at DMS startup in dms.Run()
This messaging.DeploymentWorker()
is the crux of the job deployment, as what is done in current proposed version of DMS. Based on executor type (currently firecracker and docker), it was passed to specific functions on different modules.
PeerFilter Interface
is an interface for filtering peers based on a specified criteria.
: DeploymentResponse is initial response from the Compute Provider (CP) to Service Provider (SP). It tells the SP that if deployment was successful or was declined due to operational or validational reasons. Most of the validation is just error check at stream handling or executor level.
: DeploymentUpdate update is used to inform SP about the state of the job. Most of the update is handled using libp2p stream on network level and websocket on the user level. There is no REST API defined. This should change in next iteration. See the proposed section for this.
On the service provider side, we have DeploymentUpdateListener
listening to the stream for any activity from the computer provider for update on the job.
Based on the message types, it does specific actions, which is more or less sending it to websocket client. These message types are MsgJobStatus
, MsgDepResp
, MsgLogStdout
and MsgLogStderr
: filters out peers with no listening addresses // and a peer with a specific ID
: contains the configuration for a Libp2p instance
type Advertisement struct { PeerID string json:"peer_id"
Timestamp int64 json:"timestamp,omitempty"
Data []byte json:"data"
Note: Data types are expected to change due to DMS refactoring
List of issues
All issues that are related to the implementation of network
package can be found below. These include any proposals for modifications to the package or new data structures needed to cover the requirements of other packages.